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3 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Losing weight is a common goal for many people. Most try a few diet programs or plans to help reach their healthy or ideal weight. However, dieting can be frustrating, difficult, expensive and may produce little weight loss.[1] In addition, many studies have shown that in the long-term, diets actually do not help you maintain the weight you've lost.[2] In general, it's a combination of small lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise that produce the best and most sustainable weight loss. So if you're not interested in dieting, skip it and adopt a few easy lifestyle changes to help you lose the extra weight.
3 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Method 1:

Preparing for Weight Loss

1Set realistic goals. If your plan is to make small lifestyle changes instead of going on a diet, you may not lose as much weight or may lose weight more slowly compared to others that are counting calories or are following a diet.

  • Set small weight loss goals for yourself each week or month. Weight loss might be easier to tackle if you have small goals to meet more often instead of one large, long-term goal.
  • Goals that are too hefty can result in failure to stay on the program. Setting smaller, realistic goals is crucial to success.
  • Although it's not likely you'll lose large amounts of weight each week without dieting, it's not safe to try to lose more than 1–2 pounds weekly.[3] Losing more than that may mean you're not eating enough, which could lead to nutrient deficiencies as you're most likely not eating enough food to provide you with all the essential nutrients you need.[4]

2. Make a list of lifestyle changes you can make. Although weight loss doesn't require you to go on a "diet" or count calories or restrict your food intake, it may require you to make a few lifestyle changes. These are small changes you can make in a variety of areas your life to help you achieve your goals. They can be made slowly, at the pace that is comfortable for you.[5]

  • Lifestyle changes should be something you feel comfortable changing or altering long-term. Reverting back to old habits may cause you to gain weight back.[6]
  • Ideas for some small changes to begin with include: taking the stairs instead of the elevator, drinking less or giving up soda, going to the gym 2–3 times a week, or eating more fruits and vegetables.
  • Note that lifestyle changes should not feel like a "diet." If they do, they might not be sustainable long-term or be something you enjoy doing.

3. Write up a meal plan. Even without following a specific diet, writing up a personalized meal plan may help you lose weight. You can design your own plan, whether you want to count calories, monitor carbs, or focus on protein. Use your meal plan to design your own easy-to-follow and enjoyable eating pattern.

  • Ideally, consult a Dietitian for a customized meal plan that takes into account all of your medical history and preferences.
  • Plan for a few days or an entire week of meals. Make sure to include breakfast, lunch, dinner and any snacks.
  • You can also use your meal plan to write up a corresponding grocery list. This will help make your trip to the store more efficient.
  • If you're not planning on following any specific diet plan, it's still essential to aim for a healthy, well-balanced diet. Include all five food groups most days in your meal plan.

Method 2:

2. Changing Your Lifestyle to Induce Weight Loss

1. Get enough fluids. Drinking adequate amounts of clear, sugar-free fluids daily can help you stay properly hydrated throughout the day. When you're dehydrated, many times your body sends hunger-like signals that may trigger you to eat.[7] Extra snacking from this can make weight loss more difficult or slow.

  • Aim to drink about 64 oz or 2 L of fluids daily.[8] This general rule of thumb is a good place to start. However, you may notice you need slightly more or less depending on your weight and activity level.
  • Keep a water bottle handy. Having a reusable bottle around can help you keep track of how much you're drinking throughout the day.

2. Get adequate rest each night. Sleeping at least 7–9 hours a night is recommended to help support weight loss in addition to a healthy lifestyle.[9]

  • Studies have shown that those who get less than 6 hours of sleep per night are at higher risk for being overweight and gaining weight.[10]
  • Go to bed early and make sure to turn off all lights, TVs, cell phones or computers. This may help you sleep more soundly.

3. Eat a balanced diet. Eating a well-balanced diet doesn't mean you have to be restrictive with your diet. However, it's important to eat foods from all five food groups so that you're consuming a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients essential to your overall health.

  • Include a source of lean protein at each meal. Protein helps keep you satisfied longer and may help promote weight loss.[11] Aim to have 3–4 oz (a portion about the size of your palm) of any of the following: beef, pork, seafood, dairy products, poultry, eggs, legumes or tofu.
  • Include fruits and vegetables at all meals. These foods are low-calorie and nutrient dense (meaning they contain a whole host of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants).[12] Including these at each meal may help you reduce the overall amount of calories you consume without actually dieting. It's recommended to make half your meals or half of your plate a fruit or vegetable.[13]
  • Choose 100% whole grains when possible. These grains are higher in fiber and other nutrients compared to refined grains and are important for your health.[14] Include a serving or two (1/2 cup or 1 oz) most days. Whole grains include: quinoa, 100% whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats or 100% whole grain pasta.
  • This is where moderation comes into play. You may treat yourself, but make sure that falls into the category of "variety" and not just constant splurging.

4. Snack healthy. One common reason people give up on diets is because they feel hungry throughout the day. Including healthy snacks can help keep you satisfied throughout the day and help manage your hunger. It can also help you maintain a speedy metabolism throughout the day.[15]

  • Include 1–2 snacks daily if you need it. Most snacks should fall between 100–200 calories. Higher calorie snacks may not promote weight loss.[16]
  • Snack as needed. If you're not feeling hungry or it is close to your planned meal time, it might be wise to pass on your snack.
  • Healthy snacks to try include: 1/2 cup cottage cheese and fruit, 2 oz of low-sodium beef jerky, 1–2 ounces of cheese, and carrots and hummus.

5. Indulge in moderation. Being able to enjoy favorite foods or the occasional treat is important when you're finding a healthy eating pattern to maintain long-term. Even with the occasional sweet treat or indulgent meal, you can still lose weight.

  • Schedule in a dinner out, a sweet treat, or alcoholic drink into your meal plan. Make sure items like these aren't popping up frequently. Otherwise weight loss may prove to be more difficult.[17]
  • If planning on splurging a little, try to make other changes in your day or week to compensate a little. Maybe you go to the gym or take an extra walk or skip your afternoon snack.

6. Talk to you doctor. Set up an appointment to talk to your doctor about your weight loss goals. They may be able to guide you toward a healthy and safe weight and let you know if weight loss is safe for you.

  • In addition, your doctor may be able to give you tools to help you lose weight. Many doctors use prescription appetite suppressants to induce weight loss in some people. These medications may not be safe or appropriate for everyone, so your doctor will most likely give you a physical prior to prescribing you the medication.[18]
  • Although weight loss medications may work without following a specific diet, you will see the best results when you combine medication with diet and exercise.

Method 3: Exercising for Weight Loss

1. Increase baseline activity. Baseline activity refers to your normal, day-to-day activities: walking to the car, going to the store or doing household chores.[19] Increasing your baseline activity may help support your weight loss.

  • Baseline activity does not burn as many calories as planned exercise (like going for a 30 minute jog). However, it does burn a small amount of calories and has been shown to improve mood and increase energy.[20]
  • Include more baseline activities such as: parking farther away, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or standing during commercial breaks.
  • Avoid sedentary behavior as much as possible. Try to not sit or lay down to watch TV or use the computer for long periods of time.

2. Add in aerobic exercise. Cardio exercises or aerobic activity burns the most calories per minute. Adding in regular cardio to your week can help support your weight loss - especially when you're not dieting.[21]

  • It's recommended to perform at least 150 minutes or about 2 1/2 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. To see additional results, increase your activity as needed or try adding in vigorous-intensity activity (which burns more calories per minute)[22]
  • Cardio activities include: running/walking, biking, hiking, using the elliptical or going to a aerobic dance class.
  • Consult a personal trainer who is accredited to create a custom exercise plan that takes into account all of your goals and limitations/injuries.

3. Incorporate strength training. Although cardio burns a significant amount of calories, strength training can also help burn calories and support weight loss. [23] Include 1–3 days of strength training each week.[24]

  • Strength training is crucial to weight control. This type of exercise helps build and support muscle mass which may increase your metabolic rate or how many calories you burn throughout the day. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories throughout the day — whether you worked out or not.
  • Include exercises such as: weight lifting, isometric exercises like yoga or pilates, or use resistance bands/tubes.
